Litter "K" (June 30, 2020)
parents | grandparents | great-grandparents | great-great-grandparents |
SCS ns 11
Ch. (WCF)
GoldenEmpire Turmalin SFS ns 11 33
Tests: PKD, FIV, FeLV - negative,
blood type: A/a |
Ch. GoldenEmpire Prince-of-Love SCS ns 11 33 |
Xan Joffrei SCS ns 11 33 |
Ch. Neffertari Bast Diamond SFS ny 11 33 |
Ch. Neffertari Bast Diamond SFS ny 11 33 |
Gr.Int.Ch. La Gard Zolotoi Zamok BRI ny 11 33 |
GoldenEmpire Leticiya SFL ns 25 |
Eclipse Sun Gerda SCS ns 25 |
Favorit-s N-Mike
SFS ns 11 |
Diamond-PRO Boniface BRI ns 11 33 |
Favorit-S Shanti SFS as 11 |
Magnolia Golden Amulet SCS ny 25 | Gr.Int.Ch. Cyrus Polar Light SCS ny 25 |
Goldenglitter Katie BRI ny 25 |
AlvaRoss Vikky
SFS ns 11
Ch. (WCF) Favorit-s N-Mike
SFS ns 11
Diamond-PRO Boniface BRI ns 11 33 |
Gr.Int.Ch. Diamond-PRO Gabriel BRI ns 11 33 |
Viva Vogue Felichita BRI ns 11 33 |
Favorit-S Shanti SFS as 11 |
Ch. (WCF) E.Ch.(RUI) Ultra Walter BRI ns 11 |
Shanel Favorit SFS as 24 |
Absolu Caramel SCS ny 11 |
Magic Box'Kuinji SCS ay 25 |
Magic Box'Darik SFS ny 25 |
Laisy Navadall SCS ay 25 (green eyes) |
Absolu Hennessy SFS ny 25 |
Ch. (WCF) Sun-City's Enisey SCS ny 25 |
Ch. Absolu Lalie SFS ns 11 33 |
AlvaRoss Kristina
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: stays with us
AlvaRoss Katya
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: stays with us
AlvaRoss Keks
Sex: male (1.0)
Breed: Scottish Straight (SFS71)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Carries colorpoint gene ( blue eyes) and long hair.
Status: available for sale
AlvaRoss Kiwi
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Highland Fold (SFL)
Color: black silver ticked (ns 25) Carrier colorpoint gene (blue eyes)
Status: sold (Estonia)
AlvaRoss Kamilli
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Highland Straight (SFL71)
Color: black silver shaded point (ns 11 33)
Status: sold (United Kingdom)
AlvaRoss Kashmere
Sex: male (1.0)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11) Carrier colorpoint & longhair genes
Status: Sold (UAE)