Litter "G" (December 30, 2021)
parents | grandparents | great-grandparents | great-great-grandparents |
SFS ns 11
FIV, FeLV, PKD - negative |
Ch. (RUI)
AlvaRoss Brad Pitt SFS ns 11
Gr.Int.Ch. Royal Star Lexus SFS ns 24 |
Ch. Snow Boll from Cheshirsky Cats SFS ns 12 |
Princess of Russia SCS a |
SCS ns 25
Snow Sity’ Oduvanchik SFS ny 25 |
Aliviero Kornelia Supera BRI ns 11 |
Eclipse Sun Gemma of AlvaRoss
SFS71 ns 25 |
Diamond-PRO Boniface BRI ns 11 33 |
Favorit-S Shanti SFS as 11 |
Magnolia Golden Amulet SCS ny 25 |
Gr.Int.Ch. Cyrus Polar Light SCS ny 25 |
Goldenglitter Katie BRI ny 25 |
2 x CAC (WCF)
AlvaRoss Valeri SCS ns 11
FIV, FeLV, PKD - negative |
SFS ns 11 |
Diamond-PRO Boniface BRI ns 11 33 |
Gr.Int.Ch. Diamond-PRO Gabriel BRI ns 11 33 |
Viva Vogue Felichita BRI ns 11 33 |
Favorit-S Shanti SFS as 11 |
Ch. (WCF) E.Ch.(RUI) Ultra Walter BRI ns 11 |
Shanel Favorit SFS as 24 |
AlvaRoss Yasmine SFS71 ns 11 |
SFS ns 11 33
CH GoldenEmpire Prince-of-Love SFS71 ns 11 33 |
CH Neffertari Bast Diamond SFS ny 11 33 |
Eclipse Sun Gerda SFS71 ns 25 |
Favorit-S N-Maik SFS ns 11 |
Magnolia Golden Amulet SFS71 ny 25 |
AlvaRoss G.. (1)
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: available for sale
AlvaRoss G.. (2)
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: available for sale
AlvaRoss G.. (3)
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: available for sale
AlvaRoss G.. (4)
Sex: male (1.0)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: available for sale
AlvaRoss G.. (5)
Sex: male (1.0)
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Color: black silver shaded (ns 11)
Status: available for sale