Scottish cats cattery AlvaRoss

Scottish Fold catteries of Russia

Scottish Fold catteries of Russia are working on improving the breed type of representatives of the Scottish cat breed.
I should note that this type of activity is developing dynamically in our country, every day new catteries begin their work.
An increasing number of cat lovers are joining the ranks of professional breeders. I think that this trend will continue in the future.

If we talk about Scottish Fold catteries in Russia, then, as a rule, the Scottish breed is represented in each cattery by all its four varieties: Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight, Highland Fold, Highland Straight.

  • Scottish Fold - a cat that has folded ears and short hair;
  • Scottish Straight - a cat that has straight ears and short hair;
  • Highland Fold - a cat that has folded ears and long hair;
  • Highland Straight - a cat that has straight ears and long hair.

But, there are exceptions - catteries that breed only long-haired or only short-haired Scottish cats.
I must say at once that the mating of the short-haired and long-haired representatives of the breed are allowed between themselves. The only rule is not to pair two fold-eared cats with each other.
Improving the breed type is one of the basic rules of professional breeding work.

If we talk about colors, Scottish Fold catteries in Russia not only deals with all possible colors, they also bring out new ones. The most common colors of the tabby group (marble, tiger, spotted). Very often, representatives of these colors become the winners of major cat shows, as the breeding work allowed the breeders to get the closest “ideal representative of the breed” in these colors. I am pleased with the quality and quantity of quality Scottish cats silver colors, including silver chinchillas. The hard work of breeders over the past 20 years has significantly improved the type of Scottish cats in this color. So we, too, are not lagging behind 🙂 
In addition to all of the above, in any professional cattery, much attention is paid to the issue of cat health, as well as their social adaptation. Each animal, regardless of its breeding quality, must be completely healthy, both from a physical and mental point of view. That is why the Russian catteries hold annual vaccination of animals, as well as regular inspections of all animals by a veterinarian. Animals with malformations, various genetic problems, and so on must be neutered. It is the same with animals that show aggression, including at exhibitions. Remember: an animal that has a healthy psyche will not behave inadequately!
The owners of catteries also take an active part in cat shows, because this is not only additional advertising, but also the opportunity to hear the opinion of a qualified judge about your animal (which, in essence, is equal to the opinion about your breeding work). Scottish cats - this is one of the top breeds at exhibitions, that is, the number of representatives of this breed is regularly large. Can you imagine what the competition among the Scottish cats?

I hope that you, dear visitor, will soon become the owner of the best Scottish kitten, who will bring comfort, warmth and joy to your home!

Scottish Fold catteries of our friends

Dear owners of Scottish Fold cattereries, who are in Russia!
This information is for you. On this page you can place information about your cattery, if it is located in Russia.
Format of information placement:

  1. Scottish Fold cattery (Russia, Volgograd) 
    Cattery name - AlvaRoss
    Breeder - Natalia Efremova
    Phone: +7 909 388 13 21 (Beeline), +7 987 657 52 78 (MTS)
    Viber & WhatsApp: +7 909 388 13 21
    Skype: Alvaross cattery
  2. There may be your Scottish Fold cattery info 🙂

On the issue of posting information about your Scottish Fold cattery - write me through the contact form below ↓

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