Litter "A" (May 1, 2015)
Litter "A": pedigree.
parents | grandparents | great-grandparents | great-great-grandparents |
Ch. Snow Boll from Cheshirsky Cats SFS ns 12 |
Caprice Snezhny Bars BRI ns 12 |
E.Ch. Marshall Peppercats BRI ns 11 |
Jennifer Silver of Britain BRI ns 11 |
Snezhana Bomarshe SFS ns 11 |
Ch. Ozzy Anemona Blanda BRI ns 11 |
Ch. Alyenushka for Lege Artis SFS ns 22 |
Princess of Russia SCS a |
Ch. Fon Dizel Union Jack SFS a |
Enrike SFS a |
Sadaya Union Jack SFS 71 a |
Richi-Nina-Stella SFS 71 a |
I.Ch. Miffodiy Union Jack SFS 71 a |
Royal-Carolina SFS a |
SCS ns 25
Boss Zolotoi Zamok SFS ny 12 |
Zinedin Mystery’s Dream BRI ny 25 |
W.Ch. Bluegold Nougat D’Oaxaca Britisch Kurzhaar BRI ay 11 |
Whisper of Mystery’s Dream Britisch Kurzhaar BRI ny 25 |
Ch. Feliciya Zolotoi Zamok SFS ny 25 |
Ch. Sun-Citu*s Enisey SFS ny 25 71 |
Ch. Princessa Zolotoy Zamok SFS ns 11 |
Kayros Pride Quenlee SCS ns 11 |
Rumfold Solomon SFS71 ny 11 |
Rumfold Xenon SFS 71 ny 22 03 |
Rumfold Menuet SFS ny 11 |
Natali SFS ns 11 |
Вениамин Фаррос SFS ny 22 |
Lensky Agnetta-ABBA SCS ns 11 64 |
AlvaRoss Alyaska
Sex: female (0.1)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black silver shaded (ticked) (ns 11(25))
Status: sold
AlvaRoss Arnold
Sex: male (1.0)
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Color: black golden ticked (ny 25)
Status: sold - France
AlvaRoss Alexander
Sex: male (1.0)
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Color: black golden spotted tabby (ny 24)
Status: sold